
You just as soon
not have a trial, no fuss?

No, sir.
All right.
You did the cutting.
Come the fall, you bring in
five ponies to Skinny here.

And you!
You bring in two.

-You give them over, hear?
-Yes, sir.

The bullwhip.
Maybe we don't need this now.
Let me tell you, come the spring,
Skinny don't have those ponies. . . .

-I'll come looking for you.
-You ain't whipping them?

I fined them instead, Alice.
Skinny gets some ponies and that's it?!
That ain't fair.
That ain't fair!
Haven't you seen
enough blood tonight?

Hell, Alice!
It ain't like they was tramps
or loafers or bad men.

They were just. . .
. . .hardworking boys that were foolish.
-If they was given over to wickedness--
-Like whores?

Tend to Delilah.
Go ahead.
I got $85.
I don't know.
If Delilah doesn't care,
what are we so riled up about?

Just because we let them smelly fools
ride us like horses. . .

. . .don't mean we let them
brand us like horses.

Maybe we ain't nothing but whores,
but, by God, we ain't horses!
