They even cut her teets.
$1 ,000 reward, Will.
500 apiece.
I can't move those damn pigs!
Watch your cussing, will you?
Do the best you can with it.
Then go to the pump
and get cleaned up. Come on.
I ain't like that anymore, Kid.
It was whiskey done it as
much as anything else.
I ain't had a drop in over 1 0 years.
My wife, she cured me of that.
Cured me of drinking and wickedness.
You don't look so prosperous.
You could buy her a new
dress with your half.
If we kill them, you can buy--
She's passed on.
Been gone near 3 years now.
Don't tell no one about the reward.
I don't need other gunmen collecting.
We don't see no one out here.
If you was to change your mind,
I'll be riding due west. . .
. . .for the trail into Wyoming.
Come on, let's separate those hogs.