Universal Soldier

loaded pistol and
explosives detonator.

Shoot him!
You are cleared- I repeat:
you are cleared to proceed.

GR13, all clear.
No injuries. Gentlemen,
I think everybody's okay.

- Arizona team.
- GR44, status report.

- GR44, do you read me?
- Problem?

- He's- He's not responding.
- Well, try another frequency.

GR44, status report, now.
Kill the motherfuckin'

That's an order!
GR44, respond!
Colonel Perry, how many
of the UniSols were
injured in the rescue?

- Who are these guys, anyway?
- I will address your questions

As you all know, this marks
the third successful mission
for the universal soldiers,

again without any casualties
and without any injuries.

As to the identity
of the UniSols,

- that still remains classified.
- But, Colonel-

These men have families,
and I will not do anything
to jeopardize their lives.

- Now if you'll excuse me. I have
other matters to attend to.
- But, Colonel-

- Thank you.
- Lieutenant. could I
have a statement, please?
