Universal Soldier

- Oh, God.
- Tracking system activated
and we're in business.

We've picked 'em up moving due
east seven miles ahead of us.

Estimated time
of interception.

- Four minutes.
- Four minutes and marking.

How ya doin'?
You must be pretty tired
after all that,
that pushing and stuff.

Okay. well,
I'm gonna go on the-
I'll be right back, all right?

- Where you going?
- I'm gonna go make
a phone call.

You mind?
Okay? Okay.
Okay. All right.
- I need some gas.
- Oh, ran out of gas yesterday.

Uh, refuelin' truck will
be here in the morning.

You wanna rent
a roo- room?

Nice outfit.
Hey, pal, you don't
look so good.

- I need to cool down.
- Oh, well, all our rooms...

all have air-conditioning,
you know?

Got some with water beds.
Hey. the, uh, pay phone's out.
Do you have a phone I can use?

All our rooms all
have telephones, too,
only $50 a night.

No, no, look, I don't need
a room, I need a phone.

- What about this one?
- Oh, uh, sorry, that's, uh,
for employees only. Yeah.
