Universal Soldier

I'm giving the orders
from now on.

We have a mission
to complete.

Any questions?
- Somethin' to drink?
- Uh. yeah. I'll just
have coffee.

Okay. You?
Yes, Joe?
Hey, uh, you want
something to drink?

- Yeah? Okay.
He'll have a soda pop.
- Great.

- He's not gonna make it.
- Will you just shut up?
He'll hear you!

- Dr. Haines-
- Look, if he thinks
that we failed,

he's gonna kill us both.
You just keep working. If he
asks anything, just stall him.

What's he doing?
Overloading on muscle enhancers.
He's making himself stronger.

Oh, great.
That's just what we need.

You know, I feel like I'm
back in high school again.

I can't make heads or tails
out of any of this stuff.

But apparently, whatever
they've done to you,

it's been done
on a genetic level.

'The Surgeon General has warned
that cigarettes could be
hazardous to your health.'

Yeah, well, don't believe
everything you read.

- Hey. Hey, hey!
That is my last pack.
- Are you ready to order?

Uh, uh. uh, yeah.
Just, uh-

Just bring us
two of your specials.
