Hey, Ray.
Your wife get you that hat?
Something wrong with it?
Nothing that pissing
on it won't cure.
Maybe we ought
to form a circle and do it.
We were flying over the gorge,
and Cas spotted him.
I got 20/1 5 vision.
Pilot called in
and told the authority.
He's an Indian.
I'm Harold Kleinman.
What were you doing
way out here, Harold?
We're amateur archaeologists.
We left the wives in Santa Fe hoping
to find this ancient "Anastazi"--
Guess you don't find
many bodies out here, huh?
No, we sure don't.
-What do you think, Bert?
-He's dead.
Why would anyone come way out here
to kill himself?
Maybe his wife bought him a new hat.
I won't be positive
without an autopsy.
Hi. How you doing?
You bring
these tourists out here?
Just trying to keep them
from finding any arrowheads.
-Ray Dolezal.
-Delmar Blackwater.
-Don't touch the car.
-Okay. Sorry.
-Mescalero Apache.
Bloodthirstiest red bastards
this side of the Rio Brazos.
I was kind of hoping
for that scalp.