White Sands

Paid cash up front
for the first night.

Had this big old wad
of bills.

That's what fooled me,
that big wad of cash he had.

I figured he could stand good
for the balance.

That's a $63 mistake,
isn't it?

How'd you know
it was my rug, anyway?

You see him go?
Didn't see him at all
after he checked in.

I'm not the nosy type.
Did this Mr. Spenser
make any calls?

If he did, he didn't make them
from the room.

We got this deal. For $4.00
you can make unlimited local calls. . .

-. . .but he passed on it.
-Did he have a car?

He said he did.
I never seen it.

We usually clean these rooms up
almost every day. . .

. . .but Mr. Spenser put "Do
Not Disturb" on the door.

You probably saw it
when we come in.

If a customer wants privacy,
he gets it.

Decorate these rooms yourself,
Mr. Peterson?

No. I brought a fairy over
from Albuquerque. He did it.

I couldn't do this.
I'm colorblind.

-There's been a fire in there.

-Don't touch anything.
-No, sir.

Jesus Christ, what's
he been doing in here?

My Lord.
This look like
teeth marks to you?

Well, maybe.
-Teeth marks?
-Yeah, I think so.

You got a hell of an imagination,
Raymond. Let's go.

Got this John Doe
up your butt now, don't you?

Going to drive us crazy
trying to figure it out.
