Ruin my Saturday afternoon
in front of the TV.
Guy's in trouble, in a motel
room with half a million. . .
. . .scared, writing on everything,
making desperation calls.
He covers his trail: burns his
clothes, swallows that paper.
That happens in the morning,
and he's dead by noon.
Maybe that piece of paper
wasn't digested.
Intestinal gases. The ever-loving
death fart of a warthog.
All we got are two names:
"Goodman" . . .
. . .and a date written on
a fast food wrapper. . .
. . .kind of looks
like an appointment:
"Noreen. "
Who the hell is Noreen?
Ease off. You're as persistent
as a dog with two dicks.
You'll owe me for this one.
Promise you that.
Looks like a radish.
They in season?
Oh, cut it out, Bert.
And here's a carrot.
Garbanzo beans.
This may be putrefied lettuce.
Must've been a salad bar.
There's a sorrowful last act
for a desperate man.
Hey, maybe Noreen was with him.
Maybe she had
a big burger with fries.
Maybe Mr. Goodman had apple pie.
Yeah, it's all starting
to make sense now.
We'll call it
"The Big Lunch. "
Wait, what is. . .?
Goddamn. This looks like paper.