Mr. Spenser?
-Sorry to bother you.
On the bed!
Don't move.
I said don't move!
Welcome to Taos.
It better not be marked.
Or what?
Hey, wait a second!
What's going on?
What the fuck are you doing?
Goddamn it!
Down, boy!
Are my hands cold?
You know, we could've
taken this money. . .
. . .and cut you up for coyote food.
Lucky for you
we're not criminals.
Be in Santa Fe
day after tomorrow. . .
. . .at the Hotel La Fonda bar, 6 p.m.
Don't be early. Don't be late.
You might bring
a change of clothes.
-Hi, honey.
-Ray. Where are you?
-I'm still in Taos.
-I'm staying the night.
-Is everything okay?