Those are her dreams.
You don't throw them away.
Come on. Let's go.
We're on a schedule. We gotta move.
Ben, I said to stay out of
the street. Come in.
Pick up your bike.
Then come inside and sit down.
-Molly Dolezal?
-That's me.
I'm Special Agent Flynn,
and Agent Demott.
We're with
FBI Internal Affairs.
We wanna talk to your husband.
We saw the note on the office.
Your neighbor said
you work here. He's not--
Do you have a gun?
I'm talking with these gentlemen.
Go home and set the table
for dinner.
Sorry to interrupt you
here at work.
-We deal with crimes within the FBI.
-How can I help you?
We're investigating a missing $500,000
from an impound facility.
Money that's evidence in a case.
We think your husband's involved.
-You're from the FBI?
Our prime suspect in this
theft had an accomplice.
We know your husband found our suspect
dead, along with our money.
Your husband's disappeared and
we can't find the accomplice.
My husband's trying to find
who the dead man was.
-If he calls--
-I'll tell him you want to talk.
That is all you want?
Here's my card. I realize
you want to protect him. . .
. . .but think about one thing:
half a million dollars.
It's a lot of temptation.