They use the same clay. . .
. . .that Indians used to make pots
a thousand years ago.
-Worried about your money?
-I want to talk about it.
It's in a safety deposit box
along there with mine.
I was thinking. . . .
Maybe we should reconsider.
Sorry the girls got rough,
but it's microelectronics.
We live in the age of the body wire.
It's understandable
we got a little paranoid.
I personally feel that it's
all about trust.
You trusted me
with your half-million dollars.
So naturally,
I'm inclined to trust you.
Lane said you'd deliver,
and you did.
Most guys wouldn't trust me.
So it was a test?
What did Lane tell you about me?
What did Lane tell you about me?
You see? It's trust.
It's all we got. It's all we need.
You're not what I expected.
How's that?
From what Lane said, I expected
a fancy package. . .
. . .sort of a fast-talking,
slow-walking. . .
. . .mohaired-Sam
kind of a thing.
You show up in your cowboy hat
and I thought:
"I hooked up with Andy of Mayberry. "
If you're not comfortable with me,
let's call the deal off.
-You give the money back.
-Do I seem edgy?
I quit smoking
about a week ago. . .
. . .it's been like boring
a wild hair up my ass.