-Excuse me?
-We want 400,000 more on the back end.
That's bullshit.
If you can't handle the volume, fine.
Fuck it, then. Forget it. No sale.
I ought to turn you in to
the Treasury Department. . .
. . .collect a little reward.
-We'll just take our money back.
-We can't do that.
We've incurred significant costs.
It's a nonrefundable deposit.
A half million dollars, nonrefundable?
You two cheap, dime-store cowboys. . .
. . .squatting on your fat-ass pensions
over in Las Cruces.
Black-marketing military hardware to
the highest bidders.
You fuckers make me want to puke.
This is a wash. We're out of here.
-Fuck 'em.
-Wait a second.
Wait a second. This is crazy!
You changed the rules.
How do you expect us to react?
We're talking about $400,000
we gotta come up with.
It was unavoidable and unforeseen.
You want us to believe
you've had an increase on your end. . .
. . .but you're not giving us credit.
You're passing the whole cost onto us.
All right. I tell you what.
We'll eat 1 50,000.
That means you owe us
750 on delivery.