I was 20.
I believed in good and evil. . .
. . .and he was the sexiest man
I'd ever seen.
He was smart and dangerous.
And that was a huge turn-on.
I didn't know any better.
I had a trust fund. I was bored.
One day he came home. . .
. . .put a gun to my head
and pulled the trigger.
Just to see my face
when I realized it was empty.
What's he doing in your life?
Gorman's like a virus.
Once you got him, you got him.
And now you've got him.
But you're not bored anymore, are you?
You're chasing your tail here.
It's an open-and-shut case.
Artie stole from the FBI,
and Artie's dead.
So, what happened?
Artie was a burnout.
I should have
got him some professional help.
I guess he just decided to
help himself to bureau funds.
When he discovered you guys
creeping up on him, he killed himself.
Well, okay.
Thanks a lot.
-No problem.
-Take it easy.
-See you.
Drop what you're doing and
get on this case.
-You may have to go to Denver.
-What about Ray?
-Don't worry about it.
-All right.