with me included,
whatever the number is.
You hope to be remembered
I kept that memory in mind
when Ruan died
and was lying in the coffin.
I kept staring and staring at her
till her hair fluttered up.
Then I gripped it with my hair grip.
Then Hsiao-yu tugged at me saying:
Auntie, why don't you cry?
She wanted me to cry. I couldn't then.
The first production between
Lily Li and Ruan was "Gimmicks".
In our casual chat with her,
she emphasized how Ruan
taught her to act in that movie.
And they became good friends
as a result.
Ruan didn't speak Mandarin well
and Lily taught her.
Ruan said to me:
Sun, you'd better tell Li Min-wei
the former Production Manager
who was in Peking too.
You'd better tell him,
not to take this child to Shanghai.
Sun answered:
"What difference does it make?
The Company needs hands anyway".
She said "The child would take away
half of my territory some day".