Ruan, Mr. Tang's here.
Miss Ruan.
Ruan, are you all right?
Want to go up for a rest?
No, I was thinking of Shanghai.
Shanghai's going to be OK.
Your mom and daughter are there.
The Government dare not wage
a full war against the Japs.
If the 19th Army loses,
talks are the only way out.
This may go down as interludes
in history.
You must embark at 6 a.m. Tomorrow.
Go to bed early.
Keep accounts.
Nothing to keep?
Enter $80 for Ta-min,
his roulette winnings in Macao.
Pay me the sum and I'll do it.
You're greedy.
What have you done today?
Tang Chi-shan took us
for yachting around H.K. Island.
Min-wei finally talked him
into joining Lienhua as a partner.
When Shanghai calms down,
he'll return to sign the contract.