
All right, then, would you
go out with a Dominican?

Yeah, the right one.
Not a motherfucker on crack.

- Would you go out with a Chinese boy?
- Yeah.

You'd go out with a Chinese boy
before you'd go out with a white boy?

- Hell, yeah.
- By yourself.

Say he gets angry at you and starts
cursing you in that Oriental talk.

You're not gonna understand
a word he's sayin'.

All right, then, would you
kick it with an Italian boy?

- Why not? Yeah.
- You'd kick it with an Italian boy?

- Yep.
- Italian's not white?

- No, not really.
- It's not.

They may look white,
but they damn sure don't act white.

- Let me see it, then.
- Come on, stop playin', Nut!

Give me that, man!
You fuckin' can't even read.

- What's up then, nigga?
- You a stupid-ass basehead, man.

- Just 'cause I ain't livin' like you.
- That's all you is!

- So what you sayin', man?
- What's up, fool?

Nut! Get over here!
Ice. I-C-E.
- Take off the hat.
- Ice.

- You're too rough on the brother, man.
- Shut up.

Why don't you show the brother
some respect?

Same respect you show Zack here.
Look, man, don't even start
with that shit, all right?

- Where do you belong?
- Wherever I want.

Take off the hat.
You don't have to put up
with that nigga's bullshit.

- Yeah, I do.
- Busted, where you live?

Yo, doesn't matter where I live.
We're all African.

You live in a white neighborhood.
You don't have to deal.

So don't give me
that "we're all African" bullshit.

- Where are you going?
- I have to deal.

- I have to deal with you right now.
- Go on.

Tweedledum follows Tweedledee, huh?
