'That's my building.
I live on the third floor.'
'667 East 187th Street.'
'There's my stoop.'
'And on summer nights,
in the neighbourhood,
you'd hear the young Italian
men romancing their women.'
Hey, Marie!
-Get in the fucking car!
Get in the car!
Leave me alone.
-Come on, you know I love you.
Will you get in the fucking car!
'And right there -
right under that lamppost,
stood the number one man
in the neighbourhood.'
' Sonny.'
'Everyone loved Sonny,
and they treated him like a god.'
'And in my neighbourhood
he was a god.'
'I would sit on my stoop
and watch him all day and all night.'
'But he would never look at me.'
'Until one day.'
I Wonder Why
-What do want?
You got room for us?
You wish.
# Don't know why I love you
# Don't know why I care
# I just want your love to share
# I wonder why I love you like I do
# Is it because
I think you love me too?
# I wonder why I love you like I do
# Like I do