Louie Dumps owes me $20.
It's been two weeks now
and he keeps dodging me.
-Should I crack him one, or what?
What's the matter? What have I said?
Sometimes hurting
somebody ain't the answer.
Is he a good friend?
Nah, I don't even like him.
Don't even like him.
Well, there's your answer.
Look, it cost you $20 to get rid of him.
He'll never bother you,
or ask you for money again.
He's out of your life for $20.
You got off cheap, forget it.
You're always right.
Yeah, I'm always right.
If I was always right I wouldn't
have done ten years in the joint.
What did you do every day?
There's only three things you can do.
Lift weights, play cards,
or get into trouble.
What did you do?
Me? I read.
What did you read?
-Ever hear of Machiavelli?
Machiavelli. He's a famous
writer from 500 years ago.
Availability, he always said.
-That's right.
Listen to me.
Do you know why I live here?
I want to stay close to everything.
Being here,
I can see trouble immediately.
Trouble is like a cancer.
You have to get it early,
before it kills you.
You have to cut it out.
Capisci? Huh? Come on.
You're worried about Louie Dumps.
Nobody cares. Nobody cares.
Worry about yourself,
your family, and your friends.
It comes down to availability.
The people who see me every day,
that are on my side,
they feel safe cos I'm close,
and they have more reason to love me.
But those who want
to do otherwise think twice,
cos they know I'm close,
and they have more reason to fear me.
Is it better to be loved or feared?
It's a good question.
It's nice to be both, but it's difficult.
If I had my choice,
I would rather be feared.