A Perfect World

-You know President Kennedy's coming?
-Yeah, so I heard.

Latest technology.
Got an oversized engine. . .

. . .full kitchen, sleeping quarters.
Got room for gun racks.
Stove, fridge, even got a phone
to the governor's office.

-Fine piece of machinery.
-And. . .

. . .once it's back,
it'll be at your disposal.

It's perfect for lots of situations.
It's a headquarters on wheels.

We'll take it.
Chief? Stop taking pictures!
It's just not possible.

-Governor's gotta ride in it tomorrow.
-He gave this manhunt top priority.

But, Red--
Listen, you gotta believe me. Red?

-What's your name?
-Dick Suttle, the driver.

-Not anymore. Bradley?
-This man stays with his vehicle.

-You know how to work all the gadgets?
-Oh, yes, sir.

Okay, take a seat.
Excuse me, Red.
This here's Bobby Lee.
He's a specialist with the feds.

They want him to tag along.
Red, what am I supposed
to tell the governor?

Well, you tell him that
Miss Sally Gerber over there. . .

. . .from his office,
checked me out on this.

Oh, hell.
You coming or aren't you?
