Addams Family Values

That's what being privileged is all about!
- Mum, I don't like it here.
- Stop it. You are so dirty.

- Leave him alone.
- I can't breathe.

- Stand up straight and smile.
- This is why he is always sick.

- Don't start with me on that.
- You did this.

Everyone at the ball turned
and stared at Cinderella.

"Who is that beautiful woman?"
everyone asked.

Even Prince Charming
noticed the new arrival.

"Who are you?" he asked Cinderella.
"My name is Cinderella,"
she said to the Prince.

"Could you tell me, who is that man
by the punch bowl?"

"That fascinating man."
"That oddly sensual man."
"That man who makes me
quiver under my bodice."

"That bald man?"
- She's driving me wild!
- Who?

Even the sound of her name.
Debbie... Isn't it beautiful?

She makes me think of
vinyl, chemicals...

Truly, Fester,
has it finally happened at long last?

I don't know, I think so. All these years
I've watched you and Morticia

through windows, doorways, keyholes.
I've been so happy for you,
but I've been jealous, too.

I've dreamed that sometime
there might be someone for me.

- There's Thing.
- I know, I know.
