And then the ghost said,
"And I will haunt you forever!"
Wednesday, you have to continue
the ghost story.
- This is dumb.
- Well, if you can't do it...
And so the next night, the ghost
returned to the haunted cabin.
And he said to the campers,
"None of you really believe in me,
so I have to prove my power."
And the next morning,
when the campers woke up,
all of their old noses had grown back.
Oh, Fester, how you must hate me.
Here you are,
a debonair man of the world.
- How I must bore you.
- Never!
Fester, before we go any further,
I have a confession.
Something I must tell you.
I'm a virgin.
- You are?
- Yes.
What's that?