At Gaixia he was outwitted. . .
by the Han king.
As they prepared for battle,
Han's troops sang victory songs. . .
because of Han's military tatics,
the Chu armies fed in a
great panic
had their country taken by Han.
Even the king was weeping.
No matter how resourceful
you are. . .
you can't fight fate.
The king had once been
all-powerful, but in the end. . .
all he had left was one woman
and one horse.
He tried to get his steed
to run away, but it wouldn't go.
he wanted his concubine to free,
but she wouldn't.
For the very last time, Concubine
poured wine for her king. . .
and danced for him
with a sword. . .
then cut her throat with it,
to keep her fidelity.
Theres a lesson in this story
for all of us. . .
that each person is responsible
for his or her own fate.
You better keep that
in your mind.
I am so strong,
I can uproot the Mountains
My courage is renowned
I've fallen on bad times
Yet even my horse won't
run away to save itself