How much longer?
We're almost there.
If the atmosphere mix isn't right,
we'll kill him as soon as we crack that suit.
Approaching nominal density.
As soon as it's pressurized, I'm going in.
Maybe not.|We got a reply
from the Vorlon high command.
They insist
that the Ambassador's encounter suit...
...cannot be removed for security reasons.
But that's insane!
- They don't want us seeing what's inside.
- They'd rather let him die than-
I'm afraid so.
No, we haven't come this far
to watch it all fall apart.
Jeff, I'm warning you,
they're deadly serious about security.|We'll give them security.
As a doctor,
you're bound by a vow of confidentiality...
...and that's good enough for me.
For the rest, kill the monitors.
Stop all data-recording.
I don't want any record
of what goes on in there.|I take full responsibility.
Just do what you have to, Ben.
Good luck.
And I hope you're wrong.
Wrong about what?
We were talking the other day
about how nobody's seen a Vorlon before...
...and he said that according to legend,
one human did see a Vorlon.
He turned to stone.
Well, it's just a legend.
- Probably.
- Probably.
There must be a way.
Some means, some...
- But you still don't know what happened.
- Not yet, Senator.
Doctor Kyle's been able to stabilize
the Ambassador's condition, but...
...until we know the cause of his problem,
there's a very good chance he could die.