Let me make it better.
Confirmed presence of foreign compound.
Type: unknown.
Prognosis: terminal.
I've just finished my test
on the Ambassador.
It took longer than I expected.
Even for an alien...
...this one is pretty alien.
But from the results...
Jeff, it looks like poison.
Can you counteract it?|Not without knowing
which poison was used.
There's probably enough concentrated
where it entered his body...
...for us to be able to make a match.
But so far, I still don't know
how the poison got into his system.
What's your prognosis?
Life signs are dropping 5%
every hour.
If we can't find out what happened...
...the Ambassador will be dead
in less than 24 hours.
All right.
Keep me informed.
Security here.
This is Commander Jeffrey Sinclair.
We have confirmation
of an attempted assassination.
As authorized
under Earth Alliance regulations...|...I'm hereby sealing off the station.
As of now,
no one enters or leaves Babylon 5.
Why won't you accept the facts?
Who was the only one missing from
the welcome party when Kosh arrived?|Londo Mollari.
And why would the Centauri Republic
want to kill Ambassador Kosh?
What better way to prop up
a fading empire than to start a war?