Babylon 5: The Gathering

They've been trying to join forces
with the Earth Alliance for years.

A mutual enemy
would serve that purpose very well.

And if your assumption is correct
and he is the assassin...

...what would you suggest?
An alliance between our governments.
Yours is the oldest of the five federations.
Ours is the youngest.

Technologically you're centuries ahead
of everyone else.

We have unlimited manpower
and the will to use it.

Can you imagine
what we could achieve together?|I can.

Which is why
it must never be allowed to happen.

Your perceptions are colored
by your history with the Centauri.

As former slaves of that government...
:30:43 would seize any opportunity
to raise a force against them.|We were never slaves!

Our world was invaded, our people-
The word was ill-chosen.
My apologies.
But my decision stands.
Thank you for coming, Ambassador.
I should have known better
than to waste my time.|You're even worse than the Centauri.

They're beyond the dream of conquest.
But you had the Earth Alliance
on its knees.

One more stroke
and you would have defeated them.

But you surrendered.
We had our reasons.
On Narn,
we heard that the decision to surrender...|...came from your holy men.

A secret group called the "Grey Council."
Weak, frightened fools with no vision
or the will to fight, but we-

You are being held...
:31:48 a force of two gravities.
You will swear, here and now...
...that you will never again mention
the Grey Council in my presence.

Three gravities.
