Babylon 5: The Gathering

Mr. Garibaldi.
I suppose you heard what happened.
About the Ambassador?
Yes, it's a pity.
I suppose there'll be a war now.
All that running around
and shooting at one another...

:33:21 would have thought, sooner or later,
it would go out of fashion.

Where were you
when the Ambassador's ship was docking?

I don't think I like the tone
of your question, Mr. Garibaldi.

I suggest you remove your hand.
As an ambassador
I have diplomatic immunity.|Read your treaty.

As of two hours ago,
I got full diplomatic access.

So, where were you
when the Ambassador was docking?

Could I have another, please? The same.
I was in the casino. At the gaming table.
- I thought you were out of money.
- Yes.

A man named Del Varner
offered to cover my bets.

Now there's a criminal,
if you're looking for one.

He promised to back my bets,
then pulled out...|...after I had run up quite a bill.

He's here if you want to see him.
He's right over there, in the checked coat.
Can anyone confirm your story?
Yes. The new telepath, Lyta Alexander.
I saw her talking to Varner
shortly after you left.

Thank you.
Put it on his tab.

Who'd want to kill the Ambassador?
Mr. Garibaldi...
:34:43's a big universe.
If I knew who did it, I'd tell you.
I'm not here to make trouble.
Do you know why I am here?
I'm here...
:34:57 grovel before
your wonderful Earth Alliance...
