Babylon 5: The Gathering

I heard about that.
Tough place.
Wasn't there a scandal,
something about kickbacks?

If you wanted a promotion,
you had to pay off the sector captain.

I refused.
So they let me rot.
Refused to let me out of my contract.
So I started breaking the rules,
putting everyone's safety at risk...

...because I just didn't care anymore.
When Jeff came in,
he promised that if I'd stop...

...feeling sorry for myself and fight...
...within the rules...
...he'd make sure I got promoted.
He kept his promise.
I haven't broken the rules
in a long time, Doctor.

So, I guess...
...I'm about due.
Count me in.
I can't think of anyone
I'd rather have along side...

...when we face court-martial.
Not so fast.
We still have to talk her into it.

And I have a feeling it won't be easy.
Do you know what the penalties are
for unauthorized mind- scans...

...without a court order
or permission from next of kin?

- I could be thrown out of the psi corps!
- We understand your concerns.|Do you?

It takes years to train
for a P5 classification...

...and half of those who try, burn out or...
...end up vegetables.
I'm not going to throw all that away.
If the Ambassador dies,
the Vorlons will retaliate.

This station is their first logical target.
If I were in their position...
...I'd have a cruiser waiting in hyperspace,
right now, just waiting to attack us.

Thousands would die and after us,
who knows how many more?

Is that what you want?
No. Of course not.

That's not fair.
