Why is that?
I don't know.
Doctor, if I may.
We have heard that there was a witness.
Is this true?
Yes and no.
The information is secondhand
and may or may not be admissible.
The witness thinks
it may have been the Commander, but-
Why are you withholding
the name of the witness, Dr. Kyle?
The witness requested anonymity...
...for the time being.|If this should go to trial,
that would, of course, change.
I see.
Given the information about the location
of the poison proved accurate...
...it seems strange that you'd question
the rest of the story.
Ambassador Mollari,
do you have any questions?
No, not at this time. Thank you.
One last thing, Doctor.
You said you were finally able
to analyze the poison.
What kind was it?
It's pretty rare.
It only comes from one system
that I'm aware of. The Damocles sector.
Were you aware that the Commander's
woman recently returned...
...from a trading expedition
to the Damocles sector?
- Just a minute!
- Commander-
And that her ship, the Ulysses,
docked at this station 20 minutes...
...before the attempted assassination?
Damn it, leave Carolyn out of this!
No further questions.
Okay, you're saying you don't believe
what Lyta Alexander...
...saw in the Ambassador's mind.
- Based on what?
- I don't trust telepaths.|Never have, never will.
Who knows what she really saw?
I've seen her with Del Varner.
He kept Londo...|...from attending the reception.
- So?
- I checked with Earth Central.