It turns out Varner's got a criminal record
going back five years.
He's been indicted three times
in the last year for tech- running.
Take a look.
All these indictments
are from the Earth Alliance court.
Smuggling forbidden technology
from the Vega system...
- ...same again from the Proxima system.
- Exactly.
The minute he's on Babylon 5, he's
in Earth jurisdiction and subject to arrest.
Why would he take that kind of risk?|There would have to be
something major at stake.
And something else.|Varner promised to back Londo's bets
at the casino, then backed out.
But Varner does a lot of business
with the Centauri Republic.
Why risk alienating his clientele
by burning Londo?
For that matter,
why promise to back Londo at all?
Tech-runners aren't noted for generosity.
No, and apparently
Varner's been heavily in debt.
He couldn't have paid Londo's debts
if he'd wanted to.
It just doesn't add up.
I don't know how he fits in,
but I'll bet you 100 credits he's involved.
Then I think it's about time
you had a little talk with Mr. Varner.
Ambassador Mollari.
I'd like to discuss your vote with you.
The Babylon 5 Advisory Council
is hereby reconvened.
Recorders are activated?
Ambassador G'Kar,
you wish to make a motion?
Commander Sinclair is
a respected member of the Earth Alliance...
...and of this Council.
The idea that he may have been involved
with the attempted murder...
...of Ambassador Kosh,
is repellent to everyone here.
Granted, there is a history of animosity
between some of our member races.
Granted, Commander Sinclair personally
took part in the recent Earth-Minbari war.
- Granted-
- Ambassador.