Babylon 5: The Gathering

Ambassador Delenn?
The Minbari Federation...
The Centauri Republic...
...votes yes.
Deadlock, Ambassador.
Two in favor, two opposed or abstaining.
But there is a fifth vote to be heard from.
Two hours ago, I told of my intentions
to the leaders of the Vorlon Empire.

They reached a decision on the matter
and asked me to cast their vote for them.

They vote yes, to convey
Commander Sinclair to their world for trial.

Which makes the vote three to two.
The motion is passed.
Deportation is to take place
within 12 hours.

Good day.
Del Varner?
This is Security Chief Michael Garibaldi.

I'd like to talk to you.
Access system is non-functional.

Come on in. Check around.
I'll take the back, you take the bedroom.
Over here.
DNA pattern checks out, Jeff.
It's Del Varner, all right.
Any idea when it happened?
