Next time I'm not sure
if you'd be as lucky
I'm sober while the others are all drunk
Come on!
Come again if you've the nerve!
I enjoy company with him
because I can do anything prohibited
by Master
Come on!
Fear not accusations
from a thousand fingers
if you're innocent
A life under others' influence
means no life
It's as good as dead!
Have you grasped what I said?
Never knew a furious man...
could be so kind-hearted
Sometimes I doubt if he was nice to me
only because...
I'm an orphan!
Cho Yi-hang
You stole a sheep from farmer
Ho Tor-niu's home 1 -1 7
Do you plead guilty or not?
He stole my sheep and
gave me a swollen face. Look
I meant to save it...
from getting butchered
Master told us to be chivalrous
And they wouldn't
even let go a small sheep
Do you plead guilty to hurting Tor-niu?
He called me beast and creep
I should've fed him with dog shit
What's so funny?
Chief, as a disciple of Wu Tang and
an heir to Chief, what Cho Yi-hang did
is a disgrace to the clan and