Good night, Steve.
- Oh, hello. How's it goin'?
- I appreciate the deal on the engine.
- No problem. Is it runnin' all right?
- Yeah, it's running great.
- Good.
- So... can l...
Can I make it up to you with some dinner?
Some dinner?
- Are you serious?
- Yeah. Dinner with you.
You know what? I can't.
- I mean, I'd like to...
- It's OK.
Stupid. Stupid.
- 18-1 5.
- 17-16.
- 18-1 5!
- It caught the corner.
- It was a foot off the table.
- It was not.
- Juniper...
- Benjamin...
Don't underestimate the mentally ill.
We know how to count.
- OK, fine. 17-16.
- You can't give me what was mine.
- You're trying to cheat.
- I'm not.