A group home
is the right thing for her, Benny.
Yeah. This is definitely for her own good.
Hey, it's for both your own good.
How much longer
can you do this to yourself?
Your life is literally passing you by.
You're right.
You're right.
What am I doing with myself?
I spend my life workin' on cars
and takin' care of my sister.
I can't have a relationship without havin'
to worry about how Joon is gonna fit in.
Once she gets settled in,
you could actually take a vacation.
Travel a little. I can hold down the fort.
- Travel?
- Benny, there's a whole world out there.
I mean, picture yourself on the open road.
Wind in the hair in the EI Camino.
Highway stretchin' out...
What's that, up ahead?
A lovely motorist, stranded.
Carburettor trouble. Better investigate.
Yeah, right.
I'm gonna be stoppin' every 1 5 minutes
to call Joon to see how she's doin'.
OK, let's see. Black Sabbath, over there.
- Is that a flashlight?
- It's a brush kind of a thing.
Here's a hat.
- Where's the batteries?
- You didn't win batteries.
- Those are mine.
- OK. Hey, guys, hurry it up!
Or we'll start without you.
I've been known to play a little cards.
Box of 30-aught-6 cartridges.
Medium-sized, green-haired troll.