he has given me a job
as a domestic engineer
and seems pleased with me so far."
"Love, Sam."
I didn't know I could talk like that.
Oh. Yeah.
- OK.
- Thank you, Ruthie.
You're welcome, Sam.
Let me know if you need anything, OK?
You don't like raisins?
- Not really.
- Why?
They used to be...
fat and juicy.
And now they're twisted.
They had their lives stolen.
They taste sweet, but really
they're just humiliated grapes.
I can't say I'm a big supporter
of the raisin council.
Did you see those raisins on TV?
The ones that sing and dance and stuff?
- They scare me.
- Yeah. Me, too.
It's sick. They make them sing
and dance so people will eat them.
It's a shame about raisins.
- Cannibals.
- Yeah.
Do you like avocados?
They're a fruit, you know.
Do you got any avocados?