She is a beautiful woman...
but when this trial is over...
you will see her no differently
than a gun or a knife...
or any other instrument
used as a weapon.
She's a killer...
and the worst kind...
a killer who disguised herself
as a loving partner.
Mr. Dulaney.
Ladies and gentlemen...
you were told
during jury selection...
that the testimony
in this trial...
would be sexually explicit...
and you may find it offensive.
You may even be disgusted
by what you hear.
But I want you to remember
that Rebecca Carlson...
is not on trial
for her sexual tastes.
She is being tried for murder...
and to charge her
with murder is ludicrous.
The state would like you
to believe...
that she somehow fornicated
Andrew Marsh to death.
But the state's case
is built on fantasy, not fact.
And the facts, as they are...
are entirely circumstantial.
It's not a crime
to be a beautiful woman.
It's not a crime to fall in love
with an older man.
This case should have never
come to trial.
But since it has...
I know you'll listen
to the testimony objectively.
And when you hear
the evidence objectively...
you will acquit Rebecca Carlson
of the charges against her.
Dr. McCurdy,
did you find any indication...
that Mr. Marsh used cocaine
on a regular basis?
No. His nasal membranes
were way too smooth...
for even occasional use.
Were you able to determine
how he ingested this drug?
A bottle of nasal spray
found next to the bed...
was filled with a solution
of water and cocaine.
The victim had a head cold
at the time of his death.