Dr. McCurdy, you testified
that in your opinion...
Mr. Marsh suffered
his fatal heart attack...
while he was restrained.
Yes, sir.
And your evidence for this...
is the marks on his wrist,
am I right?
You are correct.
Now, couldn't those
same marks have been made...
while he was flailing about
in the throes of sexual ecstasy?
I suppose.
Did you find any older marks...
the use of restraints?
Just on his ankles.
Where they wouldn't
show in public.
Objection... counsel's
drawing his own conclusion.
You know better, Counsel.
Dr. McCurdy,
can you medically say...
that Mr. Marsh
didn't decide to get high?
It seems very unlikely that
a man in his circumstances...
Dr. McCurdy, are you
a licensed psychiatrist?
Objection... argumentative.
How did you reach
your conclusion...
about what Mr. Marsh
would or wouldn't do?
Common sense.
Did you find any evidence
of that in the autopsy?
Do you know for a fact that
Mr. Marsh had any common sense?
You just testified
he liked unpleasant things.
Your Honor.
No further questions.
It's going to be a long trial
for you, Counselor...
if I have to start warning you
on the first day.
Where do you work, Dr. Paley?
I am an emergency room
at Memorial Hospital.
Were you on duty the night
of February 5th of this year?
I was the admitting physician.
- Did you admit Andrew Marsh?
- Yes, I did.
What was the reason?
Cocaine poisoning.
Did Mr. Marsh discuss
the circumstances with you?
Yes, he did.
I read my notes again
before I came to be accurate.
According to my notes,
the patient told me...