Would you see
if Michael's up yet?
The people would like to recall
Dr. Alan Paley to the stand.
Dr. Paley,
you're still under oath here.
Take it seriously.
Do you know Rebecca Carlson?
Did you, in fact,
date Miss Carlson?
Yes, we dated.
Keep your rude mouths shut
or get out of my courtroom.
This is the only time
I'll ask nicely.
Proceed, Mr. Garrett.
Did you ever discuss...
anything about your patient,
Mr. Marsh, with her?
His picture
was on the social page...
and I mentioned
that I'd treated him.
What was her reaction?
She was fascinated.
Did she ask you anything
in particular about him?
She wanted to know...
whether cocaine would kill him
if he tried it again.
And what did you say?
I told her it would be
a Russian roulette.
Your witness.
Dr. Paley,
why didn't you mention...