What kind of a life is that?
Try not to judge him
by one night, Zwelakhe.
He has broken his back
to give us a good life.
We're not hungry. We don't have
to hide from the landlord.
We have a better life than anyone
in this location.
That's what he wants for you.
But, Ma, is my life really any better?
So maybe I eat every day,
wear nicer shoes.
But a white cop can still search
my room because to him...
...l'm nothing but a bloody kaffir.
- Your mouth, Zweli.
You have to go.
We'll talk about this later.
Lamb chops!
They arrested Naledi.
Gentlemen, this isn't productive.
Despite my zealous friend here...
...our purpose is to help,
not undermine, your work, captain.
To be frank, Pretoria will not tolerate
another Sharpeville or Soweto.
There's too much at stake.
Volatile times sometimes require
more extreme measures.
You can appreciate that,
can't you, captain?