You must leave here.
These are not bloody
school games you're playing.
They never were.
- I can't protect you anymore.
- I never asked you to.
You have no idea
what they will do to you.
They'll beat you, and torture you
and push you to the point
where you think you're dead.
Then they'll remind you
that you're alive,
and they'll do it all over again.
And when they're finished,
don't expect any dignity in dying.
They'll hang you in your cell
with a filthy rag around your neck...
...like Pule.
Just another suicide.
- You murdered Pule Rampa?
- I didn't kill Pule.
You didn't have to, Ba.
You arrested him.
Your law did the rest.
Hey, can't you understand,
it's not my law!
You obey their orders.
You wear their uniform.
Don't you see?
You're nothing but their trained dog.
Don't you judge me.
Everything you have,
everything came at a price.
Even your breath,
you bloody bastard.
I take it away from you.