Not too vigorous, honey.
I get 'em done every day.
Just buff 'em up real nice.
How's the interview going?
Oh, great!
I found out he has parents.
I still don't know
why he came to Washington.
Just a little tax business.
I didn't believe him either.
So far, I've been nice to you.
What are you pumping me for?
That's a reporter's work, Mr Brock.
Who, what, when, where, how...
...and why.
- Sounds like a law firm to me.
- You know how much I hate lawyers.
- I can vouch for that!
Are you ever afraid
that you're gonna lose all this?
Never. I want it all too much.
What about things that are
beyond your control, like... fate?
You show me a businessman
believes in fate,
I'll show you the first businessman
who ever went broke.
I started with a wagon,
selling somebody's junk.
And I got here in a silk suit,
talking to a college know-it-all like you.
If I lose it,
I'll meet you right back here in this room,
in a new silk suit.
Why would you lose it all, Mr Brock?
Hey, wait a minute!
Where do you think
you're going with that?
- My room.
- Put it back.
- I just wanted...
- Put it back.
We have a party to go to.
I don't see why I can't...
Because I say you can't, that's why!
Put it back!
Do what I'm tellin' you!
What'll you take to cut his throat,
Harry, don't get so upset...
Don't tell me what to do.
You don't have to be so formal
around me, Harry!
- Relax, be yourself.
- Excuse me.