I'd like you to be on my show.
- Me, on the radio? Are you kidding?
- Of course not. I know this is last- minute,
but my little dream
is that you'd come at around eleven.
Well... I mean, I don't know nothing
about Washington, or nothing.
I don't know if Harry would like that.
- You could promote what he's doing in DC.
- I could tell about Brock Village?
- Yeah?
- Mr Devery, it's JJ.
Harry, it's for you.
- Brock.
- Hello, Uncle Harry?
It's JJ. Get a radio. Billie's on!
- She's on 89.3
- Why? What'd she do?
She's being interviewed.
Holy Christ!
Turn the radio on, 89.3.
Now, you are here as the companion
of multi- millionaire Harry Brock.
How did you two meet?
- In Las Vegas. I was in a show.
- So, you dance and sing?
Yeah, I wasn't only in the chorus,
I was a thespian.
I had lines. Five, to be exact.
Do you wanna hear them?
- Abs... yes. Of course.
- OK, here goes.
Yes, I am.
He was here, but he's not here now.
Oh, just a friend.
I never drink with men I don't know.
Beat it, buster!
I coulda been a star
if I woulda stuck with it.
But Harry didn't like me being in shows.
He likes to go to bed early.
Does Mr Brock do a lot of business
in Las Vegas?
What business?
He came to gamble and meet girls!
He doesn't do that any more.
Now, he just works.
And works and works.
What is Mr Brock doing in Washington?
Is he a strong party man?
Is he! He can throw down a drink
faster than you can unzip your pants.