- Save me some.
- Come here, baby.
- Don't. They're watching.
- Come here. Gimme some.
- No.
- Whoo-hoo-hoo-hooey!
Check it out, Spider.
Idon't know why
you treat meso bad
Afterallthe things
that we couldhave had
Love andemotion
lcan't forget
- Mysweet 16l willneverregret
- It's that punk from the alley.
- Hey, Spider!
- Vato Loco must be on
medication to come here.
You cut my carnal!
I'm here tojackyou up, puto!
Hey, let's cut the motherfucker!
- What do you vatos wanna do, ese?
- Cale, homies.
You gotta pay your dues
to me, pinche mamón.
You wanna throw down, puto?
Come and get some!
- Chale, motherfucker!
- Hey, fuckyou!
You want another placazo, badass?
Come and get it, motherfucker!
I'm gonna cut your fuckin' eye out,
punk, and kill you!
Fuck these other vatos, ese!
Get up, Chuckie! Get up!
You fuck with my familia, eh,
you gotta answer to me here and now.
Come on. Toe to toe!
Let's go, motherfucker!
Let's see what kind of man
you are in daylight!
What's the matter, Spider,
you a-scared of me?
I'm gonna catch you on
the fuckin' rebound, punk!
I'm gonna squash you like
the pinche bug you are.
Come on, motherfucker!
Fuck! Die, motherfucker!