You want me to rape you,
eh, puto? Huh?
Let's see the colour
ofyour blood, gabacho.
I'm gonna cut that fucking placa
You ain't no Vato Loco!
Estábien, Montana.
Keep your business offthis tier.
Ese, Pepe don't belong in La Onda.
It's low class.
We're better than that.
Chale, my business
has nothing to do with La Onda.
- You're part ofthe clica.
- Mira, vato, I was Onda
before you were, huh?
Keep your whores in the rec room.
Get that fuckin' thing out of here!
Popeye's getting on my nerves.
Come on, you debutantes!
Got a once-a-year special on pork chops!
Sweet thing!
This shit'll make a man impotent...
but you ain't goin'
to no prom soon.
So, eat up, folks. Eat up.
Shit, man. Ain't nothin' but fat
on that bone. Gimme another chop.
Hate like hell to disappoint
your gods, bro, but unless you got
a carton ofsmokes, no seconds.
- Allah is blushing!
- I ain't no Muslim, man.
All right. Hey, how about
a little wager on this weekend's game?