Bound by Honor

Your odds stink, and I ain't movin'
till I get another chop.

Move on, nigger, before I carpet
my cell with your black skin.

- Hey, mother--
- All right, what's the hold-up?

Johnson, move it.
Punk-ass motherfucker!
All right, all the rest ofyou hungry
bunnies, get 'em while we got 'em.

There's your chop.
You happy now?

All right,
now for my brown brothers.

Sorry, no tortilla.
Wait a minute.

There's a ray ofsunshine
in all that darkness down there.

Come up here, sweetness.
Come on, muévete.
You're keepin' all these
hungry beaners waitin', baby.

- Move on down!
- Get out ofthe way!

- Hey, what are you doin'?
What's the hold-up?
- Oh, it's okay, Sarge.

He was outta line.
He was in here before.

- Gimme your tray, homes.
- Come on!

You're catchin' a ride
on the wrong train.

You oughta be up here at the front of
the line, ahead ofthosejungle bunnies.

I don't take no free tickets
on no one's train.

Now you take a ticket,
oryou get run over.

It's better to, uh,
ride up front, first class...

and eat with the white folks.
Know what I mean?
Flirt on your own time, Albert.
- Hey, where's my chop?
- That was the last one.

Hey, I want my fuckin' chop, puerco.
Please be courteous to the help.
We've run out.

We only get pork once a year.
I know you got more back there.

Only for the kitchen detail.
Perhaps one ofthem might sell you one.

- I ain't buyin' what's mine!
- You know the fuckin' trip, homes.
No freebies.

Your mama was a freebie!
Hey, tough guy.
You want a write-up?

Maybe you wanna go to lock-up, huh?
Move it! Come on.
We got ten minutes here. Let's eat.

You sold our meat, Al.
