Bound by Honor

Sold out? All of it?
Well, then why can't I get
some money tonight then?

Doesn't work that way. The cheques go
to the accountant to be processed.

No! I need some money now!
Do you understand me? Tonight!

Come on. I sold out,
so I deserve some, right?

You've got a brilliant career ahead
ofyou, Cruz, but all that talent
can go right in the garbage.

Think about that when you're
getting high with your friends tonight.

Please, no Baptist sermons,

Strictly business, remember?
I got a hot tip, Al.
How's my credit?

Ryder, your credit's as tight
and firm as--

- Hey!
- Oh, come on. Don't be that way.

Nothin' like poppin' that cherry,
huh, Al?

Red Ryder, your mouth, your mouth.
- Lakers won in overtime, Al.
- Oh!

Give him a green one.
No, the other green one.

Why do you keep bettin'
on them L.A. teams, Lightning?

You just keep payin' up, Al,
and everything's gonna bejust fine.

She looks a little bowlegged
to me, Al.

You're gonna always
be runner-up, punk.

I'm still gonna cut that VL placa
offofyou, sissy.

Hey, Pancho, don't be a sore loser.
Get the fuck out of here.

I don't want that greaser pimp
even talking to you. Understand me?

Tomorrow is your day, güero.
Tonight you must read the black book.
These are the killing points. The arrows
show where a man can be killed.

Hit a man here or here,
and he dies slowly and painfully.
