- You are fucking up, Al,
letting this kid in here.
- That's okay, Bob. He's cool.
- Cool, bullshit. Nobody else
is supposed to know about this.
- I won't say anything.
- Shut up!
- It's all right, Sergeant.
He does what I say.
Hey, I am not risking everything
for some piece ofass!
Just a goddam minute. You get paid
plenty foryour risk, right? Am I right?
- Yeah, right.
- Well, all right then. Now, get moving.
We got plenty oftrips foryou to make.
And remember, I got a receipt for every
dollaryou got in that money belt.
Hey, what the fuck are you looking at?
Get your ass right there,
stand there and don't move!
Bob, cover that money up.
How long does it take you to get
back here from the parking lot?
- Fifteen minutes.
- All right, I expect you
back here in-- in ten.
- You keep this damn door closed.
- Don't you give me orders.
You just make sure nobody
sees you leaving here.
God damn you, you little bastard!
Don't you ever come in here!
I done told you!
Now get the fuck out of here!
You little prick tease! I'm tired ofyou
swinging your precious little ass around
like you own thejoint!
You haven't put out worth shit!
I'm sorry, Al.
I fucked up. I know.
Forgive me.
I thought you were alone.
- Get out!
- Please don't hold it against me.
- Shut up!
- Please?
Let me make it up to you.
I know I've held back,
but I'm not gonna do it any more.
We don't have a lot oftime.
Come on.
Let's get to it.
- Hurry up. Hurry up.
- I'm gonna lickyou clean.
- Do it, bitch.
- Lay back and enjoy it.