Look, I know you're
the gang coordinator,
but you side on the wolfticket.
- Shit!
- Come on.
- Don't bullshit me.
Have a heart.
I'm trying to stay out oftrouble.
I just want to get out of here.
I can make something of my life
before I get too old to enjoy it.
Al, I told you to keep the door--
You fuckin' little shit!
Okay, gentlemen, it wasjust
an accident. Get back to work.
You got breakfast to make.
Man down! Let's go! Storage room.
Man down. Let's go.
God damn it!
You all want to fuck with me?
Sergeant, I want you
to shake this place down.
I want the ID and background
on every man in here.
All right, I want to know who did it.
Somebody in here gets 25 years,
oryou're all dead, so take your pick.
You shut up!
I wanna know who did it.
Everybody in here goes into lockdown.
No exercise, no rec room, no sunshine.
Get out ofthere!
No nothin' until I get some answers.
And until I do, you're not
gonna see the light ofday.
Sergeant Devereaux!
Sergeant Devereaux, I want you
to strip-search these men.
Everyone here is going
to do time in the hole.
- Hello!
- Hey, big fella.
- You'll get it.
- Say, Sarge, where's the food?
- You'll get it! It's on its way.