You are dead to me, likeJuanito.
Let us pray.
Lord Jesus Christ,
by Your own three days in the tomb...
you allowed the graves ofall
who believe in You to be made holy.
So you made the grave a sign of hope
that promises resurrection...
even as it claims our mortal bodies.
Grant that our brotherJuanito
may sleep here in peace...
until you awaken him to glory.
Then he will see You
face to face...
and in Your light, we shall see life
and know the splendour of God...
for You live forever and ever,
It's okay, jefito.
You can cry ifyou want.
The Aryan Vanguard's been insulted.
You spics knew Big AI had
an insurance policy with the AV.
So when your little lamb strays
from the flock...
I'm gonna kill the boy!
I heard that.
AI deserved to die.
Besides, your AV-ers owed him
more money than anybody else.
So you made out fine.
He still dies.
The council has authorized me
to make a substantial cash offer...
to assure nothing happens to Miklo.
- I'm listening.
- HalfofAl's cash.
Eight thousand dollars.
We're now open for business.
We'll give you personally 25% ofevery
bet we collect from one ofyour members.
You don't give me squat.