You don't even do business
unless I say you can.
You understand?
So, what are you giving
on the Lakers-76ers?
Give the puto four on 76.
76ers and four points.
- Give me the Lakers for a hundred.
- I'll take some ofthat action myself.
Miklo, if Onda 's going
into business, carnal...
people have to know they can trust us,
so treat everybody the same.
The AV-ers control the dope, and the
BGA-ers are trying to move in on them.
We'll let 'em fight it out
while we build our bank account.
We'll do business with both ofthem.
Money knows no colour, carnal.
Everybody likes to gamble.
All right, all you little old ladies.
It's the milkman!
Come on. It's time to collect
all that milk money.
That's all I can do. I'll give you
a half point more, that's it.
- Yeah.
- All right. Hey, man,
that's the point spread.
- Gotta be cool, bro.
- Be cool.
Jefe, here's some produce,
freshly picked right out ofthe field.
Christmas time. Pancho Villa.
Huacha, from now on I want
40% ofeverything we make
set aside for legal fees.
We gotta start helping
our gente get out of here.
Here's 20% for Christmas presents
for the carnales.
You should be ashamed.
Quit looking at boobs.
Look at a boob tube,
compliments from EIMero Mero.
My BGA brothers. Pockets!
Gotta get rid ofthat natural look,
go back to processing.
- You'll look like me, vato, huh?
- Hey, how about those Raiders, chump?
- BGA is always right.
- I got a special sale
for tomorrow night's fight.
It's gonna be two-for-one, bro.
Two for me, and one foryou!
Hey, man, don't talk to me about credit.
I got debts as thick as a phone book.