- You seen Paco?
- What?
- You seen Paco?
No, not sinceJuanito died.
They don't want to keep the wound open,
man. They don't want me around, homes.
- That's cold-blooded, carnal.
- Paco's a narc, homes.
- He'll probably bust my ass someday.
- Man, that's fucked up.
- Detective Aguilar.
- Detective! Big time.
- Miklo?
- Goodguess.
- Are you out?
- Yeah, two weeks.
- Well, why didn't you let me know, man?
Hey, after nine years in thejoint,
it ain't easy to call a cop, ese.
Listen, it'snot me I'm calling
about anyway. It's Cruz.
He's hurtin', man.
He needs his familia.
- He has no family.
- That ain't right, Paco.
- VatosLocos forever, remember?
- No, you know what I remember?
The day they lowered
my little brother into the ground.
That changed me forever.
Andeverytime lsee ajunkie
on thestreet, itjust remindsme...
how Cruzito pissed away
his life and his talent.
Yeah, well, think about it.
I gotta get back to work.
Hey, hey, carnal.
How you doing, man?
ls there anything I can do to help?
Nah. If I'm gonna make it out here,
it's gonna be me who does it.
And I really want to, carnal.
There's lots ofchances
to go the other way, believe me.
- But I'm gonna make it, Paco.
- Well, that's great, carnal.
That's-- That's great.
- I need the keys to move the truck.
- Wait a minute.
Make sure all the tyres are out
ofthem and to wash it down.
So you know your hoops.
What the fuck?